
24 Ocak 2017 Salı

Farsi from English

Farsi from English

This is a simple IRT exercise, to give you confidence to learn naturally. When
you don't believe you can learn ... you won't learn! ... When you are tense,
anxious and stressed ... you won't learn! When you have no confidence ... you
won't learn. But with relaxation, your mind and body become clear, confident and
ready to learn. So do the IRT exercise now ... and again before every CRE
session. It takes only three minutes, and with practice, it becomes a powerful
tool for you. The only "equipment" you need is an "open mind" and a marble (or
similar small object) in your "right" (major) hand.

Learn Greek without a teacher

Learn Greek without a teacher Yunanca

This method, «Learn Greek without a teacher», belongs
to the well known MANDESON series.
It consists of 25 lessons which contain a rich vocabulaη,
exact pronunciation and a complete grammar of Modem
Greek. It also contains exercises with a key, a great
V없iety of texts and every day dialogues to help the student
practice the language.
With this method, the readers will be able to familiarize
themselves with the beauty and richness of the Greek
language, as it has developed through the centuries.
We hope this method will be a useful guide for all the
English speaking people who want to achieve a good command
of Modem Greek.

Colloquial Spanish

Colloquial Spanish

Colloquial Spanish can be used by adult learners working with or without a teacher.
Each lesson begins with a list of things that you should be able to understand and use by the time you finish the lesson. This is followed by a ‘Dialogue’ with a short introduction in English. In the first fiv lessons you will find a list of new words you will have come across in the dialogue, followed by a full translation. However, from Lesson 6 onwards, the translation is not provided. By this stage you should be trying to understand the meaning of unfamiliar language from the context, by listening or reading for clues. Don’t worry if you can’t understand much to start with; you will build up a feeling for the language as you progress.
The ‘Dialogues’ are followed by ‘Language points’ where you will find explanations of many of the functional and grammatical points that you have come across in the dialogue. However, don’t expect to find everything explained. Some items will be explained in later lessons. You will find a number of examples that will clarify each language point covered.
The ‘Language points’ section is followed by ‘Spanish culture’, a short section in English which looks at different aspects of Spanish life, from types of hotels to how to rent a car. This is followed by ‘Language in use’, a selection of exercises that focus your attention on the items introduced in ‘Language points’. When in doubt, look back at the ‘Language points’ section. The second part of the lesson follows the same pattern with the inclusion of a short pronunciation section.
After ‘Language in use’, you will find one or two exercises under ‘Vocabulary building’. In this section you will learn new words and expressions either by their association with material you have already learned, or through their similarities to their English counterparts.

23 Ocak 2017 Pazartesi

Barron's 1100 Words

Barron's 1100 Words

It is difficult to change someone’s opinion by badgering him. The child who begs his mother
to “get off his back” when she implores him for some assistance with the household drudgery,
may very well plead interminably for some special privilege when he wants something for
himself. How paradoxical* that neither is able to perceive that no one likes being nagged.
(*paradoxical—studied previously)
Sample Sentences Getting the hang of it? Now go on to use the five new words in the
following sentences—remember, past tenses may be required.
1.She does her homework on Fridays to save herself from the ________________ of
having to do it during the weekend.
2.The teacher continually ________________ the pupil for the missing assignments.
3.The eminent scientist ________________ difficulties in putting the invention into
4.The sick child’s mother ________________ the doctor to come immediately.
5.I listened to the boring lecture for what seemed an ________________ fifty minutes.

6.badger (v.) a. unpleasant, dull, or hard work
7.implore b. unending
8.drudgery c. to plead urgently for aid or mercy
9.interminable d. to understand, know, become aware of
10.perceive e. to pester, nag, annoy persistently

Selected Stories - O Henry

Selected Stories  - O Henry

cents of it was in pennies. Pennies saved one and two at a time by
bulldozing the grocer and the vegetable man and the butcher
until one's cheek burned with the silent imputation of parsimony
that such close dealing implied. Three times Della counted it.
One dollar and eighty-seven cents. And the next day would be

English Idioms Explained Learn Janet Gerber

English Idioms Explained  Learn  Janet Gerber

Idiom: Big Fish in a little pond
Meaning: a person who is over qualified and has lots of skills or education but works for a
small company or business
-Even though Dr. Martin is renowned for his work in heart surgery; he prefers to work at a
small clinic than in a huge hospital in the city. Dr. Martin is a big fish in a little pond.