
20 Şubat 2017 Pazartesi

Korean from zero

Korean from zero

LEARNING KOREAN can be intimidating at first, but don't worry! Our method is designed to guide you step-by-step through the basics of Korean grammar. You will be surprised how much easier a language is if you learn the basics. This book is dedicated to hammering the basics into your head.
Whether you're learning Korean for business, travel, or to make new friends, we've created these lessons to make sure you feel confident in your ability to SPEAK, READ, and WRITE what you've learned.

Korece yüksek, orta ve düşük hitap şekli olmak üzere üç hitapla konuşulan ve alfabesi olan bir dildir. Sondan eklemeli bir dil olduğu için Türkler için gerçekten çok kolaydır. Ayrıca Uzak Doğu dilleri arasında yazılışı ve okunuşu bakımından en kolayıdır. Korece de kişilere hitap çok önemlidir. Büyüklere, tanıdıklara, samimi arkadaşlara ve çocuklara farklı bir dille hitap edilir ve bu çok önemlidir. Büyüklere düşük dille hitap etmek çok büyük saygısızlıktır. Bu yüzden Korece öğrenirken bu hitap şekillerini çok iyi öğrenmek gerekir. Hangıl'ın yazımı: Kore alfabesi, Hangıl, diğer yazı sistemlerinden oldukça farklı olarak, yan yana dizilen harflerden meydana gelmez. Daha önce Çin yazı sisteminin kullanılması Hangıl'ı tasarlayan bilim adamlarını etki altında bırakmıştır. Bu doğrultuda her hece Çin karakterinde olduğu gibi bir kare şeklini oluşturacak şekilde oluşmuştur.Yan yana bitişen harfler yerine; ikili, üçlü hatta dörtlü değişimler
kullanarak heceler oluşturulmuştur.

An Introduction to Arabic Literature

An Introduction to Arabic Literature

Roger Allen provides a comprehensive introductory survey of literary
texts in Arabic, from their unknown beginnings in the fifth
century AD to the present day. The volume focuses on the major
genres of Arabic literature, dealing with Islam’s sacred text, the
Qur©a¯n, and a wealth of poetry, narrative prose, drama and criticism.
Allen reveals the continuities that link the creative output of
the present day to the illustrious literary heritage of the past and
incorporates an enormously rich body of popular literature typified
most famously by The Arabian Nights. The volume is informed by
Western critical approaches, but within each chapter the emphasis
is on the texts themselves, with extensive quotations in English
translation. Reference features include a chronology and a guide to
further reading. A revised and abridged version of Allen’s
acclaimed study, The Arabic Literary Heritage, this book provides an
invaluable student introduction to a major non-Western literary
ROGER ALLEN is Professor of Arabic at the University of
Pennsylvania. He is author of The Arabic Literary Heritage (1998), The
Arabic Novel (1982) and A Period of Time (1992). He has published
more than forty journal articles on Arabic literature and translated
a number of modern Arabic narratives including Najib Mahfuz’s
Mirrors (1977) and Autumn Quail (1985).

Think and Talk Italian

Think and Talk Italian

"Franco Ascolti! Ascolti la musica! Ascolti ... una macchina. È una
macchina. Una macchina americana. Una Chevrolet. E
questa ... è una Toyota. Ripeta: e-è, e-è È una Toyota. Una
macchina giapponese. È una Fiat. Una macchina italiana.
Sì, una Fiat. Ripeta: La Fiat è una macchina italiana. La
Toyota è una macchina giapponese. E la Chevrolet è una
macchina americana. Ripeta: a-me-ri-ca-na ... i-ta-lia-na ...
giap-po-ne-se. Bene! Ascolti! Questa ... è una macchina.
Oh! È un tassì! Ah! ... È Mario. Adesso ascolti! Un
orologio. È un orologio. Ripeta: Questo è un orologio.
Mario Un-una.
Franco Ripeta: un-una. Un orologio - una macchina.
Mario Uno. Due. Tre. Quattro. Cinque. Sei. Sette. Le sette.
Otto. Le otto."

Think and Talk Spanish

Think and Talk Spanish

"Juan ¡Shhhhh! ¡Escuche! ¡Escuche la música! Escuche: ... un coche. Un
Chevrolet. Un coche americano. Y esto ... es un Toyota. Un
coche japonés. Repita: El Toyota es un coche japonés. El
Chevrolet es un coche americano. Repita: A-me-ri-ca-no, ja-ponés.
Esto ... es una bicicleta. Repita: Un coche, una bicicleta. Ununa.
Un-una. Un-una. ¡Ah! Es Pedro. Y esto ... es ... un ... reloj.
Un reloj. Repita después de Pedro:
Pedro Uno.
Juan Repita: Uno."

Think and Talk Fransızca French

Think and Talk Fransızca French

"Jacques Écoutez! Écoutez la musique! Écoutez ... une voiture. Une
Chevrolet. Une voiture américaine. Et ça? C’est une Toyota.
Une voiture japonaise. Et ça? C’est une voiture française! Une
Peugeot. Oui, une Peugeot. La Peugeot est une voiture
française. Répétez. La Toyota est une voiture japonaise. Et la
Chevrolet est une voiture américaine. Répétez: a - mé - ri -
caine ... ja - po - naise ... fran - çaise. Bien! Écoutez: Ah! c’est
un taxi. Répétez: un taxi, une voiture. Un - une. Un - une. Un -
une. Ah! ... C’est Pierre. Maintenant, écoutez! Une horloge.
C’est une horloge. Répétez, répétez après Pierre:
Pierre Un.
Jacques Répétez: Un.
Pierre Deux. Trois. Quatre. Cinq. Six. Sept. Sept heures. Huit. Huit

Slang & Informal English

Slang & Informal English

What exactly is slang?

It's difficult to define slang perfectly, but here are a few of its characteristics:
 Slang is informal, less serious, often non-standard English.
 Slang often comes from a group of people who are familiar with the terms and use them with each other.
 Slang is often used for uncomfortable topics (sex and bodily functions) or criticisms/insults, to say these things in a more playful or less direct way.
It is important to understand slang, because you may hear it often in informal conversations, movies and TV shows.
However, it is also important to understand that slang should NEVER be used in professional situations, academic situations, and when talking with someone in a more formal social situation (someone important or someone who you respect).
Use slang when joking around with your friends, but do NOT use it when talking with a colleague, teacher, religious or political leader, or your grandmother! Some of the words can be very offensive.
Slang changes very quickly - as new words and expressions are invented, others go out of fashion, and others actually become an official part of the language.
This book presents a selection of the most current and common American English slang words, organized by topic with lots of examples to show you exactly how they are used.
Each word is also classified according to how offensive it is:
 Red = Extremely offensive  Yellow = Somewhat offensive – use with caution  Green = Non-offensive (or only a little bit) – but again, remember that even the green words are “informal” English and should not be used in more formal contexts.

15 Şubat 2017 Çarşamba

Yökdil nedir ?

Yökdil nedir

Eskiden dil sınavları üds ve kpds olarak yapılırdı. Akademik  dil yetkinliği için üds diğerleri için kpds vardı. Üç yıl aradan sonra isimleri değiştirilerek aynı sisteme dönmüş olduk. Sadece isimler değişti,

Yökdil konuşma ve dinlemeninde olduğu bir sınav formatına dönüştürülecek deniliyor ama bekleyip göreceğiz.

Örnek sorular yayınlandı

13 Şubat 2017 Pazartesi

Learn German with Stories Cafe in Berlin

Learn German with Stories  Cafe in Berlin  pdf + mp3


"Mein Vater sagt, die Deutschen spielen gut
Fußball. Aber mein Vater spielt nicht Fußball. Er
schaut Sport nur im Fernsehen. Mein Onkel sagt,
die Deutschen trinken viel Bier. Aber er trinkt
auch viel Bier. Was ist deutsch und was ist normal?
Ich weiß es nicht."

8 Şubat 2017 Çarşamba

Collins Paul Noble French

Collins Paul Noble French

"As you learn with it, you will quickly discover that I do not use complicated grammatical
explanations at all, and I will not ask you to memorise long lists of vocabulary – the way
the course is structured will by itself ensure that you remember what you are taught.
Instead, through your interaction with the CDs, I will lead you through the French
language, enabling you to build up complex sentences by yourself, step by step, so that
you are actually speaking independently in French by the end of the course. And this is
regardless of how little, or how much, you know when you begin.
You will also discover that the language I teach is designed to be adaptable, so that
you will be able to use it just as easily for holidaying in a French-speaking country as
for living or working in one; it will be just as easy to use it to order a coffee as to hold
a conversation with the waiter who brings it to you. And, again, all of this regardless
of how little, or how much, you know when you begin.
At the time of writing, this method has already proved extremely successful with a very
great many students, including hundreds of so-called “no-hopers”. Interestingly, not
one of these students failed to learn using this method. It is these many success cases
and thank-you letters – and even the occasional hug – that have made teaching
languages so very worthwhile for me and it is this which has persuaded me to publish
my courses here, for the fi rst time.
I anticipate and hope that they will be as effective for you as they have been for so
many of my other students.
Au revoir – and good luck!
Paul Noble
Head of the Paul Noble Language Institute"

6 Şubat 2017 Pazartesi