
26 Nisan 2016 Salı

Türk dünyası konuşma kılavuzu

Türk dünyası konuşma kılavuzu

Türkiye Türkçesinden Azeri, Türkmen, Özbek,
Uygur, Kırgız, Kazak, Tatar Türk
Lehçelerine Hazır Konuşma Cümleleri
İngilizce Örnekler İle
Ready-Made Conversation Sentences from Turkey
Turkish to Azerbaijani, Turkmen, Uzbek, Uyghur,
Kyrgyz, Kazakh, Tatar Turkish
Dialects with English Examples

Tlıat langııage is a very inıportant tool in hunıan relations
is slıown by tlıis well-known Tıırkislı saying: Men ımderstand
eaclı otlıer by speaking. Coııtacts witlı tlıe new independent
Turkic states and witlı otlıer Turkic groups liııing in vnrious
places lınve been increasing since tlıe political clıanges of
recent years. At t1ıe sanıe time, tlıe ııeed to understand nnd
conımıınicate witlı people wlıo spenk tlıe various Turkic lnngııages
is incrensing too. Tlıe nınjority of tlıe world's Tıırks
slınre conımoıı vocabıılary sııclı as head, ear, water, stone,
cloud, to eat, to drink, to die, tlıotı, he (site), you, one,
tlıree, ten, and hımdred. Tlıere are, lıowevcr, iıııportant dif­
ferences in terminology, idioms, and senıaııtics between tlte
varioııs Tıırkic languages becaııse of lıistorical, geograplıical,
and political obstacles tlıat lıave preventcd tlıe varioııs Turkic
peoples maintaining cııltıı ral exclıanges aınong tlıenıselves
tlırouglıout long years and eveıı centııries. We lınvc prepared
tlıe present pJırase gııide to aid you in yoıır first step in
understanding rmd speaking witlı otlıer Tıırkic groups.
We would like to express our grntitude to Prof Turan
Ya::grm, tlıe clıairıııaıı of tlıe Tıırkic World Researclı Foundation
(TDAV), for lıis sııpport of tlıis project. Tlıis gııide was
prepared with a conıpııter iıı Gemıaııy and was processed for
printing at TDAV iıı Istmıbııl. We woııld like to tlıank ali
tlıe TDAV personnel, especially Selma Taşan and Saadet Pınar
Yıldırım for tlıeir tcclınical contribııtions to tlıis work.
Tiıııur Kocaoğlu, Plı.D.

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