
18 Kasım 2013 Pazartesi

Just Joking

Just Joking

When humour is used to excuse behaviour that others find offensive and inappropriate, you have just encountered a "Just Joking" Justification. Never mind that this seldom soothes the sting; the original barb hurt, after all. See the Real Life section below on the overlap between this trope and emotional abuse.

One source of humor which comedians have used as a reservoir of material, and a cause of this trope, are contemporary stereotypes, be they sexist, racist, homophobic, or otherwise. These can range a very wide gamut, from people getting upset at Michael Richards' (Seinfeld's Kramer) infamous n-word tirade at a heckler, to people getting upset when they don't realize Jon Stewart's jokes about Jewish conspiracies are actually deconstructive parodies (and he is Jewish). Frequently features as an excuse for invoking Mars and Venus Gender Contrast.

You may also consider this as a form of justification for when an attempt to Cross The Line Twice results in Dude, Not Funny!. Not to be confused with I Was Just Joking. Also see Parody Retcon for when this is applied to entire works. Contrast Poe's Law, when it really was just a joke but the satirical intention got lost.

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