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28 Eylül 2016 Çarşamba
deyimler idioms
deyimler idioms phrasal verbs
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phrasal verb
27 Eylül 2016 Salı
YDS sınav istatistikleri
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2014 ilkbahar
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21 Eylül 2016 Çarşamba
9 Eylül 2016 Cuma
Eli Picture Dictionary English
Longman Phrasal Verbs
Longman Phrasal Verbs
Phrasal verbs are nearly always made up of a transitive verb and a particle. Common verbs with their most frequent particles are:
bring: | about, along, back, forward, in, off, out, round, up |
buy: | out, up |
call: | off, up |
carry: | off, out |
cut: | back, down, off, out, up |
give: | away, back, off |
hand: | back, down, in, on out, over, round |
knock: | down, out, over |
leave: | behind, out |
let: | down, in, off, out |
pass: | down, over, round |
point: | out |
push: | about, around, over |
put: | across, away, down, forward, off, on, out, through, together, up |
read: | out |
set: | apart, aside, back, down |
shut: | away, in, off, out |
take: | apart, away, back, down, in, on, up, over |
think: | over, through, up |
5 Eylül 2016 Pazartesi
YDS 2016 ingilizce sorular
yds 2016 nisbeten kolaydı, 30 dak. ilave süre ile tadından yenmez hale geldiğini ümit ediyoruz !
1. Evidence that dinosaurs …
2. not completely clarify
3. That we have the ability to detect and discriminate minute differences in the fat content of our food suggests that this abil-ity must have had considerable evolutionary importance.
4. rest on whether …
5. dramatic fall
6. cope with new experiences and relationships
1. have survived up to recently / may find
2. Kant introduced / is
3. has survived /may …
4. enabled them to be developed / is possible to test
1. in spite of (… still …)
2. as the polar ice melts and seas expand
3. so that it can reach its destination
4. so … that …
1. among women/ based upon
2. play a role in / information on
1. while hunter-gatherers exist even today, their era ended when the first agricultural societies appeared 10,000 years ago.
2. ... the majority of the world population lives in cities, they are under pressure for infrastructure.
3. though Antarctica is claimed by seven nations, their territo-ries are not recognized by international community
4. although there is no standard definition for smart phones, it is just a phone with multiple advanced functions in its basic sense
5. it is not easy for a founder to sell their business, no matter how much money it promises to make from a good sales deal
6. Railways date back,…… it was in 1840 that they really gained ground
7. Children learn some lies are permitted or even encouraged. For example when somebody gives a gift they don’t really like they pretend to like it so as not the hurt the feelings of the other person.
8. After securing …, Thailand is an attractive place with its ability to recover …
9. When people are sad they don’t like to be encourage to be cheerful because it reminds them that their response doesn’t conform to social norms.
10. as some people have scented sweat , this allows insects to detect them from 45 m. especially attracting mosquitoes.
1. utilizing major sources
2. as opposed to individual and primitive production
3. this practice spread across the world
4. pioneered ways to mass-produce clocks and …
5. though it (mass manufacture) was not unknown in the South
Reading does not come naturally; it is a difficult skill that must be acquired painfully. Once learnt however it is rarely, if ever, forgotten. So we do not have to worry about forgetting how to read because the skill is firmly established in our long-term memory banks. Despite the retention of the skill of reading in permanent memory, an entirely different type of memory is required during the active process of reading itself. While read-ing, we must retain a short-term “working memory” for what has just been read. Some of the information acquired while reading may be committed to long-term memory, but much is remembered for just long enough to enable you to understand the text. Memories must somehow be represented physically in the brain. Brain chemistry and structure is altered by experi-ence and the stability of these changes is associated with the retention duration of the memory. (Brain: A Very Short Intro-duction by Oxford)
1. uykusuzluk hemen hemen tüm meslekler özellikle gece vardi-yasında...
2. Wind simply means (basit anlatımıyla rüzgar…)
3. vücudumuzda 100 milyondan fazla mikrop olup çoğu bağır-sakta yaşar
1. There is a sharp decline in livestock and agriculture
2. Main concern is to warn the USA about possible consequenc-es of droughts
3. Southern US and Australia have resemblance in geographical
4. It has a positive impact as it drawspublic attention to droughts
1. Author’s opinion is appreciating
2. Einstein is the greatest scientist because Newton had no competitor or rival ya da Einstein had rivals
3. We need a second Einstein When there is a need for ground-breaking idea ya da new thought
4. Genius more innovative (creative) and talented (skilled) than the others
1. Title of the passage: Future of education in Industrial Coun-tries
2. Industrialized countries have to invest in education in order to compete with other countries
3. industrialized nations can’t compete with developing nations because they are cost-effective in terms of labor force.
4. at no time was education such a factor in inequality among people
1. sea levels have increased (benim yanlış )
2. increase (accelerate)
3. consequences of glacier melting in Greenland
4. Zachariae Glacier will probably continue to melt
In the Foldscope, invented by Stanford University engineers, creased paper creates a scaffold, which holds a lens and an LED in alignment. A microscope slide sits between them. As users peer at the sample, they flex the paper to adjust the lens and change the focus. The simple assembly can magnify objects more than 2,000 times. Lead developer Manu Prakash originally saw the Foldscope as an inexpensive way to diagnose disease in developing countries. But he soon realized it could also help excite a new generation of scientists. “You learn to appreciate the microscopic cosmos by actually exploring it yourself,” he says. To arm aspiring scientists with a crowd-sourced manual of experiments, the inventors launched a beta test. More than 11,000 applicants from 130 countries—ranging from six-year-olds to Nobel Laureates—volunteered to fold their own micro-scopes and use them for an original research project. They plan to study bee parasites, identify “micro-fossils” the size of sand grains, and more. Reproducing those experiments, Prakash hopes, will inspire students to then make their own discoveries. “In my mind, every biology book should have a Foldscope as the last page,” he says. “Because you’re not just imparting knowledge, you’re also imparting the tools to gain that knowledge.”
1. portable and made of paper
2. Initially developed to diagnose diseases in developing coun-tries
3. a great variety of people from 6 year olds to Nobel Prize winners
4. foster scientific thinking (excite a new generation of scien-tists)
1. Music is related to genes. What does it mean in layman terms? (Thanks to your inner ear’s structure, you can play an instrument without looking at the notes.)
2. what does it take to be an accountant? (names of the schools and universities preparing students)
3. It is the only one that compares young and old brains. (why is yours different from other brain banks)
4. I see you disagree with those saying that, don’t you? (leisure time of the rich) (I do. …)
5. Psychologists say just the opposite. (futbol maçında bahis)
1. the hunt for Alzheimer medicine (3/4)
2. Tobacco and cotton (4)
3. Cuttlefish (4) (its skin is loaded with)
4.1. Ev bitkilerin bazı dönemlerde susuz bırakılıp dinlendirilme-leri lazım. 2. Bitkilerin az ışıklı/ışıksız ortamda dinlendirilmeleri gereklidir. 3. Susuz kalan bitkinin saksıdaki toprağı kurur ve büzüşür. (soil gets dry and compacted) 4. Tekrar sulandığında ise bitki birden gelişir. 5. Bu süre boyunca yeterli ışık sağlanmazsa beklenen gelişme gözlenmeyebilir.
5. Previous attempts have reduced heart transplants.
1. In agricultural societies
2. instruments radar and tele-… (organisms in the air)
3. (Wolf therapy) … for those who are in the program
4. It depends on the value that an individual places on success
1. (obesity after smoking continues to kill people from prevent-able diseases) along with
2. Provided that… (Hypnotherapy)
3. Because of contamination of drinking water
4. (Crime rate) becoming more common
Australia experienced the worst and most consistent dry period in its recorded history over much of the past decade. The Murray River failed to reach the sea for the first time ever in 2002. Fires swept much of the country, and dust storms blanketed major cities for days. Australia’s sheep population dropped by 50 percent, and rice and cotton production collapsed in some years. Tens of thousands of farm families gave up their livelihoods. The drought ended in 2010 with torrential rains and flooding.
Australia’s Millennium Drought is a wake-up call for residents of the drought-plagued southwestern US and for all of us. What happened in Australia could happen in the US, with devastating consequences to the region and to the nation. We can avert the worst, however, if we pay attention to Australia’s experience and learn the right lessons. The southwestern US bears some resemblance
to parts of Australia before the drought. Both include arid regions where thirsty cities and irrigated agriculture are straining water supplies and damaging ecosystems. The Colorado River no longer flows to the sea in most years. Water levels in major reservoirs have steadily declined over the past decade; some analysts project that the largest may never refill. The U.S. and Australia also share a changing global climate that is increasing the risk of drought.
1. Primary purpose of the passage is ----.
A) to warn the US about the possible consequences of drought
2. The southwestern US bears some resemblance as their climatic conditions
3. Millennium Drought might have a positive impact since it draws the public attention to climate change
4. There was a serious decline in livestock and agriculture
Kaynak: http://www.scientificamerican.com/ar...-mega-drought/
1. Evidence that dinosaurs …
2. not completely clarify
3. That we have the ability to detect and discriminate minute differences in the fat content of our food suggests that this abil-ity must have had considerable evolutionary importance.
4. rest on whether …
5. dramatic fall
6. cope with new experiences and relationships
1. have survived up to recently / may find
2. Kant introduced / is
3. has survived /may …
4. enabled them to be developed / is possible to test
1. in spite of (… still …)
2. as the polar ice melts and seas expand
3. so that it can reach its destination
4. so … that …
1. among women/ based upon
2. play a role in / information on
1. while hunter-gatherers exist even today, their era ended when the first agricultural societies appeared 10,000 years ago.
2. ... the majority of the world population lives in cities, they are under pressure for infrastructure.
3. though Antarctica is claimed by seven nations, their territo-ries are not recognized by international community
4. although there is no standard definition for smart phones, it is just a phone with multiple advanced functions in its basic sense
5. it is not easy for a founder to sell their business, no matter how much money it promises to make from a good sales deal
6. Railways date back,…… it was in 1840 that they really gained ground
7. Children learn some lies are permitted or even encouraged. For example when somebody gives a gift they don’t really like they pretend to like it so as not the hurt the feelings of the other person.
8. After securing …, Thailand is an attractive place with its ability to recover …
9. When people are sad they don’t like to be encourage to be cheerful because it reminds them that their response doesn’t conform to social norms.
10. as some people have scented sweat , this allows insects to detect them from 45 m. especially attracting mosquitoes.
1. utilizing major sources
2. as opposed to individual and primitive production
3. this practice spread across the world
4. pioneered ways to mass-produce clocks and …
5. though it (mass manufacture) was not unknown in the South
Reading does not come naturally; it is a difficult skill that must be acquired painfully. Once learnt however it is rarely, if ever, forgotten. So we do not have to worry about forgetting how to read because the skill is firmly established in our long-term memory banks. Despite the retention of the skill of reading in permanent memory, an entirely different type of memory is required during the active process of reading itself. While read-ing, we must retain a short-term “working memory” for what has just been read. Some of the information acquired while reading may be committed to long-term memory, but much is remembered for just long enough to enable you to understand the text. Memories must somehow be represented physically in the brain. Brain chemistry and structure is altered by experi-ence and the stability of these changes is associated with the retention duration of the memory. (Brain: A Very Short Intro-duction by Oxford)
1. uykusuzluk hemen hemen tüm meslekler özellikle gece vardi-yasında...
2. Wind simply means (basit anlatımıyla rüzgar…)
3. vücudumuzda 100 milyondan fazla mikrop olup çoğu bağır-sakta yaşar
1. There is a sharp decline in livestock and agriculture
2. Main concern is to warn the USA about possible consequenc-es of droughts
3. Southern US and Australia have resemblance in geographical
4. It has a positive impact as it drawspublic attention to droughts
1. Author’s opinion is appreciating
2. Einstein is the greatest scientist because Newton had no competitor or rival ya da Einstein had rivals
3. We need a second Einstein When there is a need for ground-breaking idea ya da new thought
4. Genius more innovative (creative) and talented (skilled) than the others
1. Title of the passage: Future of education in Industrial Coun-tries
2. Industrialized countries have to invest in education in order to compete with other countries
3. industrialized nations can’t compete with developing nations because they are cost-effective in terms of labor force.
4. at no time was education such a factor in inequality among people
1. sea levels have increased (benim yanlış )
2. increase (accelerate)
3. consequences of glacier melting in Greenland
4. Zachariae Glacier will probably continue to melt
In the Foldscope, invented by Stanford University engineers, creased paper creates a scaffold, which holds a lens and an LED in alignment. A microscope slide sits between them. As users peer at the sample, they flex the paper to adjust the lens and change the focus. The simple assembly can magnify objects more than 2,000 times. Lead developer Manu Prakash originally saw the Foldscope as an inexpensive way to diagnose disease in developing countries. But he soon realized it could also help excite a new generation of scientists. “You learn to appreciate the microscopic cosmos by actually exploring it yourself,” he says. To arm aspiring scientists with a crowd-sourced manual of experiments, the inventors launched a beta test. More than 11,000 applicants from 130 countries—ranging from six-year-olds to Nobel Laureates—volunteered to fold their own micro-scopes and use them for an original research project. They plan to study bee parasites, identify “micro-fossils” the size of sand grains, and more. Reproducing those experiments, Prakash hopes, will inspire students to then make their own discoveries. “In my mind, every biology book should have a Foldscope as the last page,” he says. “Because you’re not just imparting knowledge, you’re also imparting the tools to gain that knowledge.”
1. portable and made of paper
2. Initially developed to diagnose diseases in developing coun-tries
3. a great variety of people from 6 year olds to Nobel Prize winners
4. foster scientific thinking (excite a new generation of scien-tists)
1. Music is related to genes. What does it mean in layman terms? (Thanks to your inner ear’s structure, you can play an instrument without looking at the notes.)
2. what does it take to be an accountant? (names of the schools and universities preparing students)
3. It is the only one that compares young and old brains. (why is yours different from other brain banks)
4. I see you disagree with those saying that, don’t you? (leisure time of the rich) (I do. …)
5. Psychologists say just the opposite. (futbol maçında bahis)
1. the hunt for Alzheimer medicine (3/4)
2. Tobacco and cotton (4)
3. Cuttlefish (4) (its skin is loaded with)
4.1. Ev bitkilerin bazı dönemlerde susuz bırakılıp dinlendirilme-leri lazım. 2. Bitkilerin az ışıklı/ışıksız ortamda dinlendirilmeleri gereklidir. 3. Susuz kalan bitkinin saksıdaki toprağı kurur ve büzüşür. (soil gets dry and compacted) 4. Tekrar sulandığında ise bitki birden gelişir. 5. Bu süre boyunca yeterli ışık sağlanmazsa beklenen gelişme gözlenmeyebilir.
5. Previous attempts have reduced heart transplants.
1. In agricultural societies
2. instruments radar and tele-… (organisms in the air)
3. (Wolf therapy) … for those who are in the program
4. It depends on the value that an individual places on success
1. (obesity after smoking continues to kill people from prevent-able diseases) along with
2. Provided that… (Hypnotherapy)
3. Because of contamination of drinking water
4. (Crime rate) becoming more common
Australia experienced the worst and most consistent dry period in its recorded history over much of the past decade. The Murray River failed to reach the sea for the first time ever in 2002. Fires swept much of the country, and dust storms blanketed major cities for days. Australia’s sheep population dropped by 50 percent, and rice and cotton production collapsed in some years. Tens of thousands of farm families gave up their livelihoods. The drought ended in 2010 with torrential rains and flooding.
Australia’s Millennium Drought is a wake-up call for residents of the drought-plagued southwestern US and for all of us. What happened in Australia could happen in the US, with devastating consequences to the region and to the nation. We can avert the worst, however, if we pay attention to Australia’s experience and learn the right lessons. The southwestern US bears some resemblance
to parts of Australia before the drought. Both include arid regions where thirsty cities and irrigated agriculture are straining water supplies and damaging ecosystems. The Colorado River no longer flows to the sea in most years. Water levels in major reservoirs have steadily declined over the past decade; some analysts project that the largest may never refill. The U.S. and Australia also share a changing global climate that is increasing the risk of drought.
1. Primary purpose of the passage is ----.
A) to warn the US about the possible consequences of drought
2. The southwestern US bears some resemblance as their climatic conditions
3. Millennium Drought might have a positive impact since it draws the public attention to climate change
4. There was a serious decline in livestock and agriculture
Kaynak: http://www.scientificamerican.com/ar...-mega-drought/
2 Eylül 2016 Cuma
Dilimizin kullandığı alfabeler
Dilimizin kullandığı alfabeler
Türkçe'nin yazıldığı il alfabe, bugünkü bilgilere göre Batı'da "runik" diye tanınan Göktürk alfabesidir. Bu alfabenin eski Türk damgalarından doğduğu, dolayısıyla Türkler tarafından icat edildiği kabul edilmektedir. Türkler arasında VII-IX. yüzyılla arasında yaygın olarak kullanılmıştır. Bu yazıya Batı'da runik denmesinin sebebi harflerinin eski İskandinav yazıtlarında kullanılmış ve runik alfabe diye adlandırılan yazınız harflerine benzemesidir. Bu alfabe Danimarkalı William Thomsen tarafından çözülmüştür. Göktürk alfabesiyle yazılan 732 yılında yazılan Kültigin abidesi Türk edebiyatının yazılı ilk eseri sayılmaktadır.
38 harften oluşan alfabenin 4'ü sesli, 26'sı sessiz, 8'i ise bitişken harftir. İçinde yuvarlak ünlü (o, ö, u, ü) bulunan sözleri doğru okuyabilmek için o sözleri önceden bilmek ve kestirmek gerekir. Sağdan sola ve yukarıdan aşağıya doğru yazılır. Harfler birbiriyle bitişmez; taş ve eşya üzerine kazınmaya elverişlidir.
Türkler'in Göktürk alfabesinden sonra ve Arap alfabesinden önce kullanmış oldukları yazı sistemleri içinde en önemli alfabedir. VIII. yüzyıldan XVIII. yüzyıla kadar Doğu Türkistan'dan İstanbul'a kadar geniş bir alanda kullanılmıştır. Bu alfabe Ârâmî kökenli Soğd alfabesinden çıkmıştır. Genellikle Uygur yazısı olarak bilinen bu yazınız diğer Türkler'ce de kullanılmış olması mümkündür. Uygur alfabesi Türkçe^nin yazımı için elverişli olmadığı halde 1000 yıl gibi uzun bir süre kullanılmıştır. Uygur alfabesiyle yazılmış eserlerin çoğunu Budizm, Maniheizm ve Hristiyanlık'a ait metinler meydana getirir. Bu alfabe Türkler İslâmiyet'i kabul ettikten sonra da kullanılmıştır. Kutadgu Bilig denilen eserin üç nüshasından biri Uygur harfleriyle yazılmıştır.
18 harften oluşan alfabenin 4'ü sesli 14'ü sessiz harftir. Arap alfabesinde olduğu gibi harfler başta, ortada ve sonda farklı biçimde yazılmaktadır.
Tarih boyunca Türk diline uygulanan yazılar arasında en uzun sürelisi, aynı zamanda en yaygın olanı ve muhtemelen Türkler'in İslâm'a girmeye başladıkları IX. yüzyıldan itibaren kullanılmıştır. Hâlâ bu alfabeyi kullanan Türk halkları vardır. Türkçe'yi Arap harfleriyle ilk defa yazanlar Karahanlılar olmuştur. Mevcut bilgilere göre bu alfabeyle yazılan ilk metin Divanü Lûgati't-Türk adlı eserdeki yazılardır.
1928'de Atatürk'ün yaptığı harf inkılâbıyla Türkiye Türkçesi'nin yazımında kullanılan en son alfabe Latin alfabesidir. Bu alfabe bugün Türkiye'den başka Kıbrıs ve Yugoslavya'daki Türkler'ce de kullanılmaktadır.
29 harften oluşan bu alfabenin 21'i sessiz, 8'i sesli harftir. Soldan sağa doğru yazılır. Harfler birbiriyle bitiştirilerek de bitiştirilmeyerek de yazılabilir. Bu alfabede yer alan harfler asıl Latin alfabesinden farklıdır. Asıl Latin alfabesindeki "q/Q", "x/X" ve "w/W" harfleri yoktur. Buna karşılık ı, ö, ü, ğ, ç ve ş harfleri vardır.
Osmanlıca ve Türkiye dışındaki Türk dil ve lehçelerinin yazımında Arap alfabesinden sonra en geniş ölçüde kullanılan alfabedir. XVIII. yüzyıl başlarında Hristiyanlık'ı yaymak için Çuvaşlar'a giden Ruslar bu dili kendi harfleriyle (Kiril) yazdılar. Eski Sovyetler Birliği idaresindeki Türkler'ce 1937-1940 yılları arasında Stalin rejimi tarafından bu alfabe kabul ettirilmiş ve her Türk boyu için farklı alfabeler yapılmıştır. Bunun sonucunda Türkler arasında 20 ayrı Kiril alfabesi kullanılmıştır. Bugün de bu alfabeyi kullanmaya devam etmektedirler. Ancak Sovyetler Birliği'nin dağılmasından sonra alfabe değiştirme eğilimleri kuvvetlenmiştir. Ayrıca Türk Cumhuriyetleri arasında kültür alışverişini daha sağlıklı yapmak için ortak alfabe çalışmaları devam etmektedir.
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