Modern Standard Arabic Reference Grammar
1 Introduction to Arabic 1
1 Afro-Asiatic and the Semitic language family 1
2 An overview of Arabic language history 2
3 Classical Arabic 2
4 The modern period 4
5 Arabic today 5
2 Phonology and script 10
1 The alphabet 10
2 Names and shapes of the letters 11
3 Consonants: pronunciation and description 12
4 Vowels 25
5 MSA pronunciation styles: full form and pause form 34
6 MSA syllable structure 35
7 Word stress rules 36
8 Definiteness and indefiniteness markers 40
3 Arabic word structure: an overview 44
1 Morphology in general 44
2 Derivation: the Arabic root-pattern system 45
3 Word structure: root and pattern combined 49
4 Dictionary organization 49
5 Other lexical types 50
6 Inflection: an overview of grammatical categories in Arabic 51
7 Distribution of inflectional categories: paradigms 55
8 MSA inflectional classes 55
9 Case and mood: special inflectional categories in Arabic
8 Construct phrases and nouns in apposition 205
1 The construct phrase or √iDaafa áaÉ°VE’G 205
2 Nouns in apposition (badal ∫óH) 224
9 Noun specifiers and quantifiers 228
1 Expressions of totality 228
2 Expressions of limited number, non-specific number, or partiality 230
3 Expressions of “more,” “most,” and “majority” 234
4 Scope of quantifier agreement 235
5 Non-quantitative specifiers 236
10 Adjectives: function and form 239
Part one: Function 239
1 Attributive adjectives 239
2 Predicate adjectives 240
3 Adjectives as substantives 240
4 Arabic adjective inflection 241
5 The adjective √iDaafa, the “false” √iDaafa
(√iDaafa ghayr Haqiiqiyya á«≤«≤M ÒZ áaÉ°VEG ) 253
Part two: Adjective derivation: the structure of Arabic adjectives 254
1 Derivation patterns from Form I triliteral roots 255
2 Quadriliteral root adjective patterns 258
3 Participles functioning as adjectives 258
4 Derivation through suffixation: relative adjectives (al-nisba áÑ°ùædG) 261
5 Color adjectives 270
6 Non-derived adjectives 273
7 Compound adjectives 274
11 Adverbs and adverbial expressions 276
1 Adverbs of degree 277
2 Adverbs of manner 281
3 Place adverbials 288
4 Time adverbials 290
5 Numerical adverbials 295
6 Adverbial accusative of specification (al-tamyiiz õ««ªàdG) 295
7 Adverbial accusative of cause or reason (al-maffiuul li-√ajl-i-hi ¬ΠLC’ ∫ƒ©ØŸG,
al-maffiuul la-hu ¬d ∫ƒ©ØŸG) 296
8 Adverbs as speech acts 297
12 Personal pronouns 298
1 Independent personal pronouns (Damaa√ir munfaSila áΠ°üØæe ôFɪ°V) 298
2 Suffix personal pronouns (Damaa√ir muttaSila áΠ°üàe ôFɪ°V) 301
3 Reflexive expressions with nafs plus pronouns 312
4 Independent possessive pronoun: dhuu noun 312
13 Demonstrative pronouns 315
1 Demonstrative of proximity: ‘this; these’ Gòg haadhaa 315
2 Demonstrative of distance: ‘that; those’ ∂dP dhaalika 316
3 Functions of demonstratives 316
4 Other demonstratives 319
14 Relative pronouns and relative clauses 322
1 Definite relative pronouns 322
2 Definite relative clauses 323
3 Indefinite relative clauses 324
4 Resumptive pronouns in relative clauses 324
5 Indefinite or non-specific relative pronouns: maa Ée and man røne 325
15 Numerals and numeral phrases 329
1 Cardinal numerals (al-√afidaad OGóYC’G) 329
2 Ordinal numerals 354
3 Other number-based expressions 360
4 Expressions of serial order: “last” 364
16 Prepositions and prepositional phrases 366
1 Overview 366
2 True prepositions (Huruuf al-jarr qô÷G ±hôM) 367
3 Locative adverbs or semi-prepositions
(Zuruuf makaan wa-Zuruuf zamaan ¿ÉeR ±hôXh ¿Éμe ±hôX) 386
4 Prepositions with clause objects 400
17 Questions and question words 401
1 √ayn-a nørjnCG ‘where’ 401
2 √ayy-un w…nCG ‘which; what’ 402
3 kam rºnc ‘how much; how many’ 402
4 kayf-a n∞r«nc ‘how’ 403
5 li-maadhaa GPɪpd ‘why; what for’ 403
6 maa Ée and maadhaa GPÉe ‘what’ 403
7 man røne ‘who; whom’ 405
8 mataa ≈àne ‘when’ 405
9 hal rπng and √a- -CG interrogative markers 405
18 Connectives and conjunctions 407
1 wa- ‘and’ (waaw al-fiaTf ∞£©dG hGh) 409
2 fa- `na ‘and so; and then; yet; and thus’ 410
3 Contrastive conjunctions 411
4 Explanatory conjunctions 412
5 Resultative conjunctions 412
6 Adverbial conjunctions 413
7 Disjunctives 417
8 Sentence-starting connectives 419
19 Subordinating conjunctions: the particle √inna and her sisters 422
1 Introduction 422
2 The particles 425
20 Verb classes 429
1 Verb roots 429
2 Verb derivation patterns: √awzaan al-fifil π©ØdG ¿GRhCG 433
21 Verb inflection: a summary 438
1 Verb inflection 438
2 Complex predicates: compound verbs, qad, and verb strings 446
22 Form I: The base form triliteral verb 455
1 Basic characteristics 455
2 Regular (sound) triliteral root (al-fifil al-SaHiiH
al-saalim ⁄É°ùdG í«ë°üdG π©ØdG) 456
3 Geminate verb root (al-fifil al-muDafifiaf ∞q©°†ŸG π©ØdG) 458
4 Hamzated verb root (al-fifil al-mahmuuz Rƒª¡ŸG π©ØdG) 460
5 Assimilated verb root (al-fifil al-mithaal ∫ÉãŸG π©ØdG) 460
6 Hollow root (al-fifil al-√ajwaf ±ƒLC’G π©ØdG) 461
7 Defective verb root (al-fifil al-naaqiS ¢übÉædG π©ØdG) 463
8 Doubly weak or “mixed” verb root 464
9 Verbal nouns of Form I 465
10 Form I participles 470
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