Using Russian - A Guide to Contemporary Usage, 2nd Ed
6.6 Postal addresses 208
6.7 Family relationships 209
6.8 Public notices 209
6.9 Abbreviations of titles, weights, measures and
common expressions 211
6.10 Acronyms and alphabetisms 213
6.11 Names of countries and nationalities 216
6.11.1 Russia and the other states of the former
Soviet Union 216
6.11.2 Other regions and national minorities of Russia and the
former Soviet Union 217
6.11.3 Europe (Eвро´пa) 218
6.11.4 Africa (´Aфрикa) 220
6.11.5 America (Aмe´рикa) 221
6.11.6 Asia (´Aзия) 221
6.11.7 The Middle East (Бли´жний Bосто´к) 222
6.11.8 Australia and New Zealand 223
6.12 Words denoting inhabitants of Russian and former
Soviet cities 223
6.13 Jokes (aнeкдо´ты) and puns (кaлaмбу´ры) 225
7 Verbal etiquette 228
7.1 Introductory remarks 228
7.2 Use of ты and вы 229
7.3 Personal names 230
7.3.1 First names (имeнa´) 230
7.3.2 Patronymics (о´тчeствa) 233
7.4 Attracting attention (привлeчe´ниe внимa´ния) 235
7.5 Introductions (знaко´мство) 237
7.6 Greetings (привe´тствиe) 239
7.7 Farewells (прощa´ниe) 241
7.8 Congratulation (поздрaвлe´ниe) 242
7.9 Wishing (пожeлa´ниe) 242
7.10 Gratitude (блaгодa´рностъ) 244
7.11 Apologising (извинe´ниe) 244
7.12 Request (про´сьбa) 245
7.13 Invitation (приглaшe´ниe) 247
7.14 Reassurance and condolence (утeшe´ниe, соболe´зновaниe) 247
7.15 Compliments (комплимe´нты) 248
7.16 Telephone conversations (тeлeфо´нный рaзгово´р) 248
7.17 Letter writing (пeрeпи´скa) 250
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