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6 Nisan 2016 Çarşamba

Longman Fundamentals Of English Grammar

Longman Fundamentals Of English Grammar

Example: stand next to your desk
TEACHER: (Maria), would you please stand next to your desk? Thank you.
STUDENT A: (Student A stands up.)
TEACHER: Who is standing next to her desk? OR What is (Maria) doing?
STUDENT B: (Maria) is standing next to her desk.
1. stand up 12. kick your desk (softly)
2. smile
3. whistle
4. open or close the door
5. hum
13. knock on the door
14. sit on the floor
15. shake hands with someone
16. look at your watch
6. bite your fingernails 17. count aloud the number of people in the
, 7. read your grammar book
I 18. shake your head "no"
'L, 8. erase the board
19. scratch your head
9. look at the ceiling
4 ,% 20. Perform any action you choose. Use
10. hold your pen in your left hand objects in the classroom if you wish.
: i . 1 1. rub your palms together

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