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16 Mart 2017 Perşembe

2000 Bilingual Phrases Spanish English İspanyolca İngilizce Espagnol

2000 Bilingual Phrases  Spanish English İspanyolca İngilizce  Espagnol

"1. Habla tan rapido que es diffcil
z iNinos,vayadesorden!
3. Tenfa tantos admiradores que no
sabfa cual elegir.
4. Nos quedaba tan poca agua que no
podfamos lavarnos.
5. Le quedaba tan poco tiempo que era
imposible que lo terminara.
6. Eran tan pocos que no pudieron parar
el ataque enemigo.
7. i Hay tantas preguntas por responder!
a Tuvieron tanta lluvia que hubo
9. Era un perro tan fiero que nadie se
atrevia a acercarse.
10. El perro era tan fiero que nadie se
n. Yo no sabfa que el problema era tan
12. Eran tan pocos que es diffcil ver como
pudieron ganar.
13. Es un chico tan pelma que su propia
mad re no le soporta.
14. Fuetaltonteriaquetodoelmundo
se rio.
is. Llovio tanto que tuvimos que
16. La Sra. Robinson es tan agradable
que todo el mundo la adora.
17. Nos sirvio un cafe tan bueno que nos
quedamos toda la tarde.
18. Hablo durante tanto tiempo que todos
nos dormimos.
19. A ella le dan tanto dinero que puede
permitirse todo lo que quiera.
20. Era tan alto que tenia una nube
en un ojo.
frases bilingues
nivel El
21. Hay tantas cosas que hacer en esta
casa que no se como empezar.
22. iEstanraroverteatiporaqui!
23. Tengo tan poco dinero que mas vale
24. Nunca en la historia de la humanidad,
tan pocos consiguieron tanto.
25. Thumbelina era tan pequena que
vivfa en una cascara de nuez.
26. Como mi perro adora las pizzas,
nunca ladra al repartidor de pizzas.
27. Es un chico tan apuesto que todas las
chicas se enamoran de el.
28. Tenia tanto frfo que no podia dormir.
29. Estaba lloviendo tanto que me quede
en la cama.
30. Esta chica es tan guapa que todos los
chicos estan locos por ella.
31. Haces un cafe tan horrible que nadie
puede beberlo.
32. Tan terribles fueron las noticias que
33. Tan engreida era la joven que nadie
salia con ella.
34. Habfa tanto por ver que nos
quedamos un par de dias mas.
35. Habfa tanta gente que no pudimos
36. Tienen unos jugadores tan buenos
que son imbatibles.
37. Sus manos son tan rapidas que el ojo
ho puede seguirlas.
38. Su genio es tal que nadie se le acerca.
39. Habfa llovido mucho, asf que habfa
charcos por todos los sitios.
40. Como habfa helado, habfa hielo por
todos los sitios."

"1. He speaks so fast that it is
difficult to understand him.
2. Children, you've made such a
3. She had so many admirers that
she didn't know which one to
4. We had so little water left that
we couldn't have a wash.
5. He had so little time left that it
was impossible for him to finish
6. They were so few that they
couldn't stop the enemy attack.
7. There are so many questions to
a They had so much rain that there
were floods.
9. It was such a fierce dog that
nobody dared to approach it.
10. The dog was so fierce that
nobody approach it.
11. I didn't know that the problem
was so difficult.
12. They were so few that it's
difficult to see how they could
13. That boy is such a nuisance that
his own mother can't stand him.
14. It was such a nonsense that
everybody laughed.
is. We had such a lot of rain that we
had to give up the match.
16. Mrs Robinson is so kind that
everybody loves her.
17. He served us such good coffee
that we stayed all the evening.
18. He spoke for such a long time
that we all fell asleep.
19. She gets so much money that
she can afford all she wants.
20. He was so tall that he had a
cloud in an eye.
bilingual phrases
level 4
21. There are so many things to do
in this house that I don't know
how to start.
22. It's so strange to see you here!
23. I have so little money that I'd
better stay at home.
24. Never in the history of humanity,
so few achieved so much.
25. Thumbelina was so little that she
lived in a nutshell.
26. As my dog loves pizza, he never
barks at the pizza delivery man.
27. He is such a handsome boy that
all the girls fall in love with him.
28. I was so cold that I couldn't
29. It was raining so much that I
stayed in bed.
30. This girl is so pretty that all the
boys are mad about her.
31. You make such horrible coffee
that nobody can drink it.
32. So terrible was the news that
he/she broke down.
33. So conceited was the girl that
nobody went out with her.
34. There was so much to see that
we stayed a couple of days
35. There were so many people that
we couldn't get in.
36. They have such good players
that they are unbeatable.
37. His hands are so fast that the
eye can't follow them.
38. Her temper is such that nobody
gets near.
39. It had rained hard, so there
were puddles everywhere.
40. As it had frozen, there was ice

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