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27 Mart 2017 Pazartesi

Serbo Croatian Crash Course Sırp Hırvat

Serbo Croatian Crash Course Sırp Hırvat

Spanish Crash Course İspanyolca

Spanish Crash Course İspanyolca

Spotlight Greenlight

Spotlight Greenlight

Turkish Crash Course

Turkish Crash Course Türkçe


Yiddish Crash Course

Almanca Kaynaklar German

Almanca Kaynaklar German

23 Mart 2017 Perşembe

Swahili Crash Course Swalice

Swahili Crash Course Swalice

see it - say it in german almanca

see it - say it in german almanca

Technical English Teknik İngilizce

Technical English  Teknik İngilizce 1 - 2

The Fly

The Fly

The Power of Punctuations

The Power of Punctuations  Noktalama

Punctuation saves lives

Punctuation changes the whole meaning of the sentence!
Punctuation. It has been used and abused. Just adding a comma, colon, semi-colon, or any
other punctuation mark can change the whole meaning of the sentence.
Here is an example:

A woman, without her man, is nothing.

A woman: without her, man is nothing.

The first one is saying that if a woman is not with her man, then she is nothing, or not worth anything. The
second one is the reverse. It is saying that without a woman, a man is nothing. It may also be talking about
mankind. Since woman is the base of society and is the nurturing mother; without women, man cannot exist.
Did you notice the major difference in the meanings? Just adding the colon and comma changed the whole
point that was getting across.

Wordly Wise 3000 Book 2

Wordly Wise 3000 Book 2

Wordly Wise 3000 Book 5

Wordly Wise 3000 Book 5

16 Mart 2017 Perşembe

Think and Talk French Fransızca French Français

Think and Talk French   Fransızca French Français

"Jacques Écoutez! Écoutez la musique! Écoutez ... une voiture. Une
Chevrolet. Une voiture américaine. Et ça? C’est une Toyota.
Une voiture japonaise. Et ça? C’est une voiture française! Une
Peugeot. Oui, une Peugeot. La Peugeot est une voiture
française. Répétez. La Toyota est une voiture japonaise. Et la
Chevrolet est une voiture américaine. Répétez: a - mé - ri -
caine ... ja - po - naise ... fran - çaise. Bien! Écoutez: Ah! c’est
un taxi. Répétez: un taxi, une voiture. Un - une. Un - une. Un -
une. Ah! ... C’est Pierre. Maintenant, écoutez! Une horloge.
C’est une horloge. Répétez, répétez après Pierre:
Pierre Un.
Jacques Répétez: Un.
Pierre Deux. Trois. Quatre. Cinq. Six. Sept. Sept heures. Huit. Huit
Jacques Répétez: il est huit heures.
Pierre Neuf. Il est neuf heures. Neuf heures? Il est neuf heures? Oh!
Là, là ... ! Il est neuf heures!
M. Clément Entrez!
Jacques C’est M. Clément, le professeur.
M. Clément Oui, ... entrez! Ah! Pierre, ... bonjour.
Pierre Bonjour. Bonjour, monsieur.
M. Clément Il est neuf heures? Est-ce qu’il est neuf heures?
Pierre Oui, monsieur. Il est neuf heures.
Jacques Question: Il est six heures? Non, ...
Jacqueline Non, il n’est pas six heures. Répétez.
Jacques Question: Est-ce qu’il est sept heures? Non, ...
Jacqueline Non, il n’est pas sept heures. Répétez.
Jacques Question: Est-ce qu’il est huit heures? Répondez: non, ...
Jacqueline Non, il n’est pas huit heures.
Pierre Oh! Là, là ... ! Il est neuf heures!
Jacques Quelle heure est-il?
Jacqueline Il est neuf heures.
Jacques Pardon? Quelle heure?
Jacqueline Neuf heures.
Jacques Ah! Merci."


Think and Talk Spanish

Think and Talk Spanish

"Juan Escuche. No repita. Hablan el director y la secretaria.
Sr. López ¡María!
María Sí, Sr. López.
Sr. López ¿Está usted ocupada?
María ¡Sí, señor, escribo la carta para el Sr. Johnson!
Sr. López ¡Ah, sí! ¡La carta para el Sr. Johnson! Muy bien.
Juan Conteste: ¿Escribe María una carta?
Juanita Sí, escribe una carta.
Juan ¿Escribe el Sr. López la carta?
Juanita No, el Sr. López no escribe la carta.
Juan ¿Quién escribe la carta? ¿Pedro, el Sr. García, el Sr. López o
Juanita María escribe la carta.
Juan ¿Es una carta para usted o para el Sr. Johnson?
Juanita Es una carta para el Sr. Johnson.
Juan Ahora viene el profesor, el Sr. García. Escuche. No repita.
Hablan el Sr. García y María:
Sr. García Hola, María.
María Hola, Sr. García.
Sr. García María, ¿cómo escribe usted las cartas? ¿A maquina?
María ¡Claro que sí! ¡A máquina! En la oficina siempre escribo a
Juan ¿Cómo escribe María?
Juanita Escribe a máquina.
María ¿Diga?
Juan ¿Quién contesta el teléfono?
Juanita María contesta el teléfono.
Sr. López María, por favor!
María Sí, Sr. López.
Juan ¿Quién contesta al Sr. López ?
Juanita María contesta al Sr. López.
Juan Escuche al Sr. López, y a María. No repita.
Sr. López María, ¿escribe usted la carta para el Sr. Johnson en español o
en inglés?"


2000 Bilingual Phrases Spanish English İspanyolca İngilizce Espagnol

2000 Bilingual Phrases  Spanish English İspanyolca İngilizce  Espagnol

"1. Habla tan rapido que es diffcil
z iNinos,vayadesorden!
3. Tenfa tantos admiradores que no
sabfa cual elegir.
4. Nos quedaba tan poca agua que no
podfamos lavarnos.
5. Le quedaba tan poco tiempo que era
imposible que lo terminara.
6. Eran tan pocos que no pudieron parar
el ataque enemigo.
7. i Hay tantas preguntas por responder!
a Tuvieron tanta lluvia que hubo
9. Era un perro tan fiero que nadie se
atrevia a acercarse.
10. El perro era tan fiero que nadie se
n. Yo no sabfa que el problema era tan
12. Eran tan pocos que es diffcil ver como
pudieron ganar.
13. Es un chico tan pelma que su propia
mad re no le soporta.
14. Fuetaltonteriaquetodoelmundo
se rio.
is. Llovio tanto que tuvimos que
16. La Sra. Robinson es tan agradable
que todo el mundo la adora.
17. Nos sirvio un cafe tan bueno que nos
quedamos toda la tarde.
18. Hablo durante tanto tiempo que todos
nos dormimos.
19. A ella le dan tanto dinero que puede
permitirse todo lo que quiera.
20. Era tan alto que tenia una nube
en un ojo.
frases bilingues
nivel El
21. Hay tantas cosas que hacer en esta
casa que no se como empezar.
22. iEstanraroverteatiporaqui!
23. Tengo tan poco dinero que mas vale
24. Nunca en la historia de la humanidad,
tan pocos consiguieron tanto.
25. Thumbelina era tan pequena que
vivfa en una cascara de nuez.
26. Como mi perro adora las pizzas,
nunca ladra al repartidor de pizzas.
27. Es un chico tan apuesto que todas las
chicas se enamoran de el.
28. Tenia tanto frfo que no podia dormir.
29. Estaba lloviendo tanto que me quede
en la cama.
30. Esta chica es tan guapa que todos los
chicos estan locos por ella.
31. Haces un cafe tan horrible que nadie
puede beberlo.
32. Tan terribles fueron las noticias que
33. Tan engreida era la joven que nadie
salia con ella.
34. Habfa tanto por ver que nos
quedamos un par de dias mas.
35. Habfa tanta gente que no pudimos
36. Tienen unos jugadores tan buenos
que son imbatibles.
37. Sus manos son tan rapidas que el ojo
ho puede seguirlas.
38. Su genio es tal que nadie se le acerca.
39. Habfa llovido mucho, asf que habfa
charcos por todos los sitios.
40. Como habfa helado, habfa hielo por
todos los sitios."

"1. He speaks so fast that it is
difficult to understand him.
2. Children, you've made such a
3. She had so many admirers that
she didn't know which one to
4. We had so little water left that
we couldn't have a wash.
5. He had so little time left that it
was impossible for him to finish
6. They were so few that they
couldn't stop the enemy attack.
7. There are so many questions to
a They had so much rain that there
were floods.
9. It was such a fierce dog that
nobody dared to approach it.
10. The dog was so fierce that
nobody approach it.
11. I didn't know that the problem
was so difficult.
12. They were so few that it's
difficult to see how they could
13. That boy is such a nuisance that
his own mother can't stand him.
14. It was such a nonsense that
everybody laughed.
is. We had such a lot of rain that we
had to give up the match.
16. Mrs Robinson is so kind that
everybody loves her.
17. He served us such good coffee
that we stayed all the evening.
18. He spoke for such a long time
that we all fell asleep.
19. She gets so much money that
she can afford all she wants.
20. He was so tall that he had a
cloud in an eye.
bilingual phrases
level 4
21. There are so many things to do
in this house that I don't know
how to start.
22. It's so strange to see you here!
23. I have so little money that I'd
better stay at home.
24. Never in the history of humanity,
so few achieved so much.
25. Thumbelina was so little that she
lived in a nutshell.
26. As my dog loves pizza, he never
barks at the pizza delivery man.
27. He is such a handsome boy that
all the girls fall in love with him.
28. I was so cold that I couldn't
29. It was raining so much that I
stayed in bed.
30. This girl is so pretty that all the
boys are mad about her.
31. You make such horrible coffee
that nobody can drink it.
32. So terrible was the news that
he/she broke down.
33. So conceited was the girl that
nobody went out with her.
34. There was so much to see that
we stayed a couple of days
35. There were so many people that
we couldn't get in.
36. They have such good players
that they are unbeatable.
37. His hands are so fast that the
eye can't follow them.
38. Her temper is such that nobody
gets near.
39. It had rained hard, so there
were puddles everywhere.
40. As it had frozen, there was ice

Traduire aujourd'hui french spanish français espagnol fransızca ispanyolca

Traduire aujourd'hui french spanish  français espagnol fransızca ispanyolca

"Para Autodidactas:
La serie Traduire Aujourd'hui es ideal para autodidactas. El estudiante puede estudiar y
comparer los dos textos memorizando frases completas, no solamente palabras. Tambie'n
puede traducir un texto complete y luego autocorregirse.

Cette seYie de Traduire Aujourd'hui est aussi destined aux autodidactes. L'&udiant peut 6tudier et
comparer les deux textes, visant non seulement la memorisation de mots, mais aussi de phrases
completes. L'eleve peut aussi traduire un texte et le corriger ensuite."

Traducciones Para Las Escuelas Spanish English İspanyolca İngilizce

Traducciones Para Las Escuelas  Spanish English İspanyolca İngilizce

Translations for the school of languages

Using Phrasal Verbs Exercises English İngilizce

Using Phrasal Verbs Exercises  English İngilizce

Using Prepositions Exercises Spanish English İspanyolca İngilizce

Using Prepositions Exercises  Spanish English İspanyolca İngilizce

Belleville French Fransızca

Belleville  French Fransızca Français

15 Mart 2017 Çarşamba

Collins French Easy Learning Audio Fransızca

Collins French Easy Learning Audio Fransızca

Level 1 - 2

"Si on dînait au restaurant, ce soir?
How about eating at a restaurant tonight?
Non, merci. Je préfère une pizza à emporter.
No, thanks. I’d rather have a take-away pizza.
Si on dînait au restaurant, ce soir?
How about eating at a restaurant tonight?
D’accord, c’est une bonne idée. J’aime bien
dîner au restaurant.
OK, that’s a good idea. I like eating out.
Si on dînait au restaurant, ce soir?
How about eating at a restaurant tonight?
Merci pour l’invitation. J’aime bien dîner au
Thank you for the invitation. I like eating out.
Si on dînait au restaurant, ce soir?
How about eating at a restaurant tonight?"

VocabuLearn Korean Korece

VocabuLearn Korean  Korece

Collins Greek Easy Learning Audio Course Yunanca Rumca

Collins Greek Easy Learning Audio Course Yunanca Rumca

"Travel by land, sea and air
Με το τρένο Με το λοίο Με το αερο λάνο
Me to treno Me to plio Me to aeroplane
By train By ship By airplane
Με το λεωφορείο Με το καράβι Με το ελικό τερο
Me to leoforio Me to karavi Me to elikoptero
By bus By boat By helicopter
Με τα όδια Με τo φερυμ ότ
Me ta pothia Me to ferrybot
On foot By ferry
Με το ταξί Με τo δελφίνι
Me to taxi Me to thelfini
By taxi By dolphin/hovercraft
Με τη βάρκα
Me ti varka
By small boat"

Collins Italian Easy Learning Audio Course İtalyanca

Collins Italian Easy Learning Audio Course İtalyanca

Level 1 - 2

"Può ripetere, per favore?
Can you say that again, please?
Sì: lunedì prossimo alle quattordici.
Yes: next Monday at two p.m.
Quando ho appuntamento con l’infermiere, per favore?
What time is my appointment with the nurse, please?
Ha appuntamento con l’infermiere venerdì
prossimo alle undici e mezza.
Your appointment with the nurse is next Friday at half past eleven.
Me lo può scrivere, per favore?
Can you write that down for me, please?
Ha appuntamento con il signor Martini domani alle
You have an appointment with Mr Martini tomorrow at one p.m.
Me lo può scrivere, per favore?
Can you write it down for me, please?
Bisogna fissare un appuntamento con il fisioterapista
la settimana prossima.
You need to make an appointment with the physiotherapist next week.
Andiamo alla partita di calcio lunedì prossimo.
La partita comincia alle venti.
We’re going to the football match next Monday. The match starts
at eight p.m."

Collins Portuguese Easy Learning Audio Course Portekizce

Collins Portuguese Easy Learning Audio Course

Revision of the key words and phrases is built into the
course, so you don’t have to keep going back if you have
forgotten something. There are quick reviews at the end of
the first and second parts of each unit. Then, a revision
section called Mais uma vez – Once again – gives you the
chance to revise the key words and phrases from the
previous four units and to practise the main dialogues
again. If you find you have forgotten something, you can
always go back and repeat the appropriate track.
In this booklet you will find the key phrases and dialogues
for each unit set out in print, with translations and learning
tips, for easy reference. Language lab boxes give simple
explanations of how Portuguese works.
It has been found that the optimum learning time for new
material is about 8 to 10 minutes, although you can manage
longer sessions if some of the material is already familiar to
you. In each unit, The basics is about 6 to 8 minutes long, so
if the material is new to you, take a break before going on to
Taking it further. This lasts about 8 to 10 minutes. Don’t try
to tackle too much at a time, and remember to take
frequent breaks.

"Queria marcar uma consulta, se faz favor.
I would like to make an appointment, please.
Sim, um momento, se faz favor. A doutora Maria
Freitas pode vê-la hoje às dez horas.
Yes, one moment, please. Doctor Maria Freitas can see you
at ten o’clock.
Bom dia. Queria marcar uma consulta com o dentista.
Good morning. I would like to make an appointment with the
Um momento, se faz favor. Sim, na segundafeira
que vem às três horas.
One moment, please. Yes, next Monday at three o’clock."

Collins Spanish Easy Learning Audio Course Level_1 İspanyolca

Collins Spanish Easy Learning Audio Course Level_1 İspanyolca

Your course consists of audio files and this accompanying
booklet. There are 12 units, each divided into two parts.
In the first part, The basics, you are given just a handful of
key words or phrases to learn. You can listen to them and
repeat them as many times as you like. We will suggest
connections and references that might help you to remember
them. Next, you hear these words and phrases in short
conversations, to help you to recognize them when you hear
them. Finally, you are given the chance to say the words
and phrases yourself. By learning just a few new words or
phrases at a time you can quickly build up a store of
essential language that you can draw on when you need it.

"¿Tiene una habitación para una persona, para una
noche, por favor?
Have you got a single room for one night, please?
Quería una habitación para dos personas para una
I’d like a double room for one week.
Quería una habitación de no fumador para una
persona para dos noches.
I’d like a non-smoking single room for two nights.
¿Le queda una habitación para dos personas para
una semana?
Do you still have a double room for one week?
Busco una habitación para dos personas para el fin
de semana, con vistas al mar.
I’m looking for a double room for the weekend, with a sea view."

English Vocabulary Organizer

English Vocabulary Organizer İngilizce

Intermediate Persian A Grammar and Workbook Farsça

Intermediate Persian A Grammar and Workbook

Ommi Sissi

Ommi Sissi

VocabuLearn Greek Yunanca

VocabuLearn Greek Yunanca

Arabic Standard

Arabic Standard Arapça

This GMS Fluency Series accompanies the GMS recordings and is a supplementary
course assisting you on your path to fluency. This course fills in the fluency training
that is lacking from other courses. Instead of advancing in the language via grammar,
GMS builds up sentences and lets students advance via the full range of expression
required to function in the target language.
GMS recordings prepare the student through translation and interpretation to become
proficient in speaking and listening.
Glossika Spaced Repetition (GSR) recordings are strongly recommended for those
who have trouble remembering the content. Through the hundred days of GSR
training, all the text in each of our GMS publications can be mastered with ease.

أنت)؟ ♀) من أي بلد أنت AR
أَ انْتِ)؟ ♀) مِنْ أَ ايِّ بَلَدٍ أَ انْتَ COL
ROM mᶦn ᵉyyᶦ bᵃlᵃdᶦᶰ ᵃntᵃ (♀ ᵃntᶦ)?
IPA min ejji baladin anta (♀ anti)?

Fluency 1 - 2 - 3

13 Mart 2017 Pazartesi

Vocabulaire Français-Anglais-Persan

Vocabulaire Français Anglais Persan  Fransızca French İngilizce English Farsça Persian

Barrons German Grammar Almanca

Barrons German Grammar   Almanca

la maaza

la maaza  Français Arabic French Arapça Fransızca

pour mieux connaitre le chinois audio

pour mieux connaitre le chinois audio


Learn in Your Car Mandarin Chinese

Learn in Your Car Mandarin Chinese  Çince

10 Mart 2017 Cuma

Cantonese Chinese In 60 Minutes Kanton Çincesi

Cantonese Chinese In 60 Minutes  Kanton Çincesi

"Excuse me, please.
I’ve lost my way.
How do I get to the park?
How far is it to the next
town from here?
How long does it take by car?
It’s straight ahead.
It’s on the left.
It’s on the right.
It’s a long way.
It’s five minutes on foot.
Thanks for your help.
chíng mahn
ngóh dohng sāt jó louh
ngóh dím yéung heui gūng yún
hah go síh jan géi yúhn a
jā chē yiu géi noih ji dou a
jihk heui
hái jó bīn
hái yauh bīn
lèih nī douh hóu yúhn
ngh fān jūng hó yíh hàahng dou
m gōi saai

Arabic In 60 Minutes Arapça

Arabic In 60 Minutes Arapça

"My name is Martin.
ismee Martin
تناسمى مار .
Pleased to meet you.
تشر فنا.
What’s your name?
maa ismak
ما اسمك؟
How are you?
kayf Haalak
يف ك حالك؟
Fine, thanks. And you?
bi-khayr al-Hamdu lila. wa-anta
ب 􀟸 خيں ٬ الحمد
Where do you come from?
min ayn anta
من أين أنت"

Clean French Slang Fransız Argosu

Clean French Slang Fransız Argosu

Conjugating French Verbs

Conjugating  French Verbs

Deyimler Arapça - İngilizce Idioms Arabic - English

Deyimler Arapça - İngilizce

Idioms Arabic - English

Dictionnaire des citations françaises

Dictionnaire des citations françaises

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